Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, I started writing this long post about the poor investment that sites like Facebook and Tumblr present, as I fail to see the revenue stream that will support these media, but then I thought, "nah, post some decontextualised, nostalgic videos relevant (?) to me and my peers".

Nikolai Volkoff loved the Soviet Union so much, that he would insist on singing its anthem before each of his bouts, and after if he won. He would snatch the mic away from the announcer and start belting it out. The audience would boo like crazy and yell at him to stop. This was how I learned that Communism was bad.

Hulk Hogan is a "Real American", he "fights for the rights of every man". In grade 5 or 6, for music class, we had to bring in some music from our homes to share with the class. Cory Stickel brought in his record of WWF music. I don't remember what I brought in. For a while there, I was into the Top Gun Soundtrack, Gowan (Strange Animal, Criminal Mind), and U2. Joshua Tree.


  1. My bad, Cory Stickel, it was Corey RANDALL who brought it in.

  2. Gowan's "Cosmetics" is pretty great too.
