Monday, November 22, 2010

R.I.P. Turntablism

Caption Contest!

That's strange, the reading on the vaginameter says "what's that smell?"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hittin' the Skinz

So on the one hand, I'm like, whatever Church's, - that used to be the regular deal, you didn't need a coupon for 10 for 10.99 a year ago - what gives?

But on the other hand, sometimes 10 pieces is what you need, and why not save the money?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unofficial Stance on Wireless Communication

Let me put it this way: if "millions of electronic signals carrying data, voice messages and myriad internet signals to hand-held devices and other units with wireless receivers, but also coursing in and around your home and body" were a Facebook page or group, I wouldn't click "like" or join that group.

Just saying is all.